boy name Tiffany

Tiffany Boy Name

Baby Boy Names > Starting With T > Tiffany

Tiffany name image The table below indicates the number of times the name Tiffany has been given to baby boys in recent years.  The last 125 years refers to 1880 through 2004; last year refers to 2004.  The rank and count values are based on U.S. Social Security Administration counts for the one thousand most popular names given to baby boys in each of these years. 

Cumulative Usage Chart for the Name Tiffany
Use of the Name Tiffany for Boys During the Last ...
125 Years50 Years25 Years10 Years5 Years2 Years1 Year
The table below indicates the number of times the name Tiffany has been given to baby boys and baby girls each year, from 1880 through 2004.  Tiffany first appeared in the top thousand boy or girl names during 1962, which is the first year shown on the table.  A blank entry indicates that the name did not rank among the top one thousand names given to boys or girls, respectively, during the specified year.

Yearly Usage Chart for the Name Tiffany
 Used as a Boy NameUsed as a Girl Name
1962  785175
1963  696212
1964  461444
1965  389564
1966  2421,206
1967  1921,641
1968  1781,833
1969  1442,345
1970  993,995
1971  625,408
1972  614,843
1973  525,506
1974  416,469
1975  376,917
1976  327,483
1977  337,205
1978  327,691
1979  289,612
1980  1416,218
1981  1416,399
1982  1317,163
1983  1415,951
1984  1415,834
1985  2313,671
1986  1714,467
1987  1814,747
1988  1318,344
1990  2313,154
1991  2711,148
1992  329,710
1993  338,570
1994  358,098
1995  466,928
1996  526,143
1997  615,216
1998  674,601
1999  803,878
2000  1013,289
2001  1282,673
2002  1412,380
2003  1482,243
2004  1741,929
Totals:  114 322,012

During the last 125 years, parents have used Tiffany as a boy's name about 0% of the time and more frequently (about 99% of the time) as a girl's name.  Cumulative counts and total counts shown on the above tables may be much lower than actual counts because the name Tiffany appears in the top 1,000 boy names only once during the last 125 years.

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Boy Name Tiffany