boy name Michele

Michele Boy Name

Baby Boy Names > Starting With M > Michele

Michele name image The table below indicates the number of times the name Michele has been given to baby boys in recent years.  The last 125 years refers to 1880 through 2004; last year refers to 2004.  The rank and count values are based on U.S. Social Security Administration counts for the one thousand most popular names given to baby boys in each of these years. 

Cumulative Usage Chart for the Name Michele
Use of the Name Michele for Boys During the Last ...
125 Years50 Years25 Years10 Years5 Years2 Years1 Year
The table below indicates the number of times the name Michele has been given to baby boys and baby girls each year, from 1880 through 2004.  Michele first appeared in the top thousand boy or girl names during 1938, which is the first year shown on the table.  Michele last appeared in either or both of these name lists during 2001, the last year shown on the table.  A blank entry indicates that the name did not rank among the top one thousand names given to boys or girls, respectively, during the specified year.

Yearly Usage Chart for the Name Michele
 Used as a Boy NameUsed as a Girl Name
1938  98852
1939  93457
1940  680104
1941  539171
1942  255726
1943  211956
1944  1871,159
1945  207943
1946  1871,373
1947  1481,983
1948  1591,796
1949  1352,380
1950  1282,503
1951  1252,790
1952  1103,396
1953  1023,722
1954  894,764
1955  934,760
1956  1004,616
1957  1004,735
1958  925,207
1959  885,442
1960  895,618
1961  636,983
1962  597,430
1963  597,504
1964  587,895
1965  488,664
1971  397,950
1972  367,370
1973  446,003
1974  505,582
1975  565,039
1976  634,441
1977  773,709
1978  863,483
1979  1052,876
1980  1252,486
1981  1272,270
1982  1352,225
1983  1551,834
1984  1611,689
1985  1821,475
1986  1871,423
1987  2051,309
1988  2061,269
1989  2131,271
1990  2441,165
1991  2731,008
1992  328821
1993  357714
1994  451563
1995  514473
1996  578397
1997  672323
1998  734298
1999  844256
2000  888247
2001  860265
Totals:  344 220,908

During the last 125 years, parents have used Michele as a boy's name about 0% of the time and more frequently (about 99% of the time) as a girl's name.  Cumulative counts and total counts shown on the above tables are significantly lower than actual counts because the name Michele appears in the top 1,000 boy names only 5 times during the last 125 years.

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Boy Name Michele