boy name Beulah

Beulah Boy Name

Baby Boy Names > Starting With B > Beulah

Beulah name image The table below indicates the number of times the name Beulah has been given to baby boys in recent years.  The last 125 years refers to 1880 through 2004; last year refers to 2004.  The rank and count values are based on U.S. Social Security Administration counts for the one thousand most popular names given to baby boys in each of these years. 

Cumulative Usage Chart for the Name Beulah
Use of the Name Beulah for Boys During the Last ...
125 Years50 Years25 Years10 Years5 Years2 Years1 Year
The table below indicates the number of times the name Beulah has been given to baby boys and baby girls each year, from 1880 through 2004.  Beulah last appeared in the top thousand boy or girl names during 1959, the last year shown on the table.  A blank entry indicates that the name did not rank among the top one thousand names given to boys or girls, respectively, during the specified year.

Yearly Usage Chart for the Name Beulah
 Used as a Boy NameUsed as a Girl Name
1880  123131
1881  112162
1882  112190
1883  107217
1884  113233
1885  96309
1886  98345
1887  90355
1888  95426
1889  81498
1890  79572
1891  81526
1893  80622
1894  79675
1895  74760
1896  77750
1897  81688
1898  82783
1899  76770
1900  78974
1901  74859
1902  77872
1903  72920
1904  72983
1905  77967
1906  75979
1907  731,091
1908  821,013
1909  801,050
1910  821,129
1911  791,243
1912  801,606
1913  851,634
1914  961,768
1915  952,266
1916  972,395
1917  1022,229
1918  1042,369
1919  1082,212
1920  1092,378
1921  1172,312
1922  1252,094
1923  1302,048
1924  1382,008
1925  1431,775
1926  1481,652
1927  1461,649
1928  1531,425
1929  1611,275
1930  1671,211
1931  1741,061
1932  184997
1933  188899
1934  192927
1935  202839
1936  221743
1937  224721
1938  237689
1939  259572
1940  253622
1941  271552
1942  306509
1943  309509
1944  314459
1945  350390
1946  413347
1947  425368
1948  436330
1949  443322
1950  481284
1951  550235
1952  614203
1953  670180
1954  660195
1955  781151
1956  844139
1957  849142
1958  893131
1959  973117
Totals:  6 71,669

During the last 125 years, parents have used Beulah as a boy's name about 0% of the time and more frequently (about 99% of the time) as a girl's name.  Cumulative counts and total counts shown on the above tables may be much lower than actual counts because the name Beulah appears in the top 1,000 boy names only once during the last 125 years.

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Boy Name Beulah