Italian boy names

Top Italian Boy Names

Boy Names > Italian Names

Italian boy names The table below contains the most popular Italian names that have been given to baby boys in the United States during the last hundred years (1905 through 2004).  The rank and count values are based on U.S. Social Security Administration counts for the one thousand most popular names given to baby boys in each of these years.  This list and other similar tables on this site can help you research the history and find the meaning of many popular ethnic names for your baby boy!
Italian Boy Name Meanings and Popularity
Name Derivation or Meaning Rank Usage
Antonio means praiseworthy. 1 198,069
Mario means bitter. 2 121,548
Raul is an alternate form of Radulf. 3 71,715
Angelo means angel or messenger. 4 61,715
Sergio is an alternate form of Sergius. 5 55,650
Salvatore means savior. 6 51,785
Marco is an alternate form of Mark. 7 50,329
Alberto is a variation of Albert. 8 50,056
Lorenzo is derived from the name of a city in ancient Italy. 9 45,734
Alfredo is an alternate form of Alfred. 10 45,580
Arturo is an alternate form of Arthur. 11 43,878
Orlando means famous land. 12 38,572
Gerardo is an alternate form of Gerard. 13 38,103
Ernesto is an alternate form of Ernest. 14 35,183
Alfonso means eager or noble. 15 34,738
Alonzo is a variation of Alfonso. 16 32,457
Rodolfo is an alternate form of Rudolf. 17 28,537
Dante is a variation of Durante. 18 26,587
Gustavo is an alternate form of Gustav. 19 25,853
Giovanni is an alternate form of Johannes. 20 25,680
Leonardo is an alternate form of Leonard. 21 23,939
Gilberto is an alternate form of Gilbert. 22 23,588
Emilio is an alternate form of Emil. 23 23,114
Donte is a variation of Dante. 24 11,814
Bruno means brown. 25 9,609
Elmo means lovable. 26 8,660
Milan means city in Italy. 27 2,744
Luca is an alternate form of Luke. 28 2,285
Actual usage of Italian names shown on this page may be slightly higher than the indicated usage values.  Of course these names are widely used for boys in Italy as well!  See the Social Security card applications information for qualifiers about this data.

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Italian Boy Names