Scandinavian boy names

Top Scandinavian Boy Names

Boy Names > Scandinavian Names

Scandinavian boy names The table below contains the most popular Scandinavian names with Danish, Norwegian, and Swedish origins that have been given to baby boys in the USA during the last hundred years (1905 through 2004).  The rank and count values are based on U.S. Social Security Administration counts for the one thousand most popular names given to baby boys in each of these years.  This list and other similar tables on this site can help you research the history and find the meaning of many popular ethnic names for your baby boy!
Scandinavian Boy Name Meanings and Popularity
Name Derivation or Meaning Rank Usage
Eric means ruler of the people. 1 817,380
Erik is a variation of Eric. 2 132,553
Kirk means church. 3 64,993
Erick is an alternate form of Eric. 4 46,508
Kim is an alternate form of Joachim. 5 33,651
Jan means God is good. 6 18,546
Roscoe means deer forest. 7 17,266
Kristian is an alternate form of Christian. 8 12,318
Erich is a variation of Eric. 9 9,129
Dirk is a variation of Derek. 10 9,062
Kai is an alternate form of Gaius. 11 8,446
Axel is an alternate form of Absalom. 12 6,449
Gunnar means battle. 13 4,572
Gustave means royal staff. 14 2,764
Arvid means eagle forest. 15 2,163
Lars means crowned with laurel. 16 1,923
Gustav is a variation of Gustave. 17 1,560
Thurston means Thor's stone. 18 948
Arne means eagle. 19 677
Olaf means forefather. 20 621
Gustaf means staff of the gods. 21 9
Gustavus is a variation of Gustave. 22 0
Nils means champion. 23 0
Actual usage of Scandinavian names shown on this page may be slightly higher than the indicated usage values.  Of course these names are widely used for boys in Norway, Sweden, and Denmark as well!  See the Social Security card applications information for qualifiers about this data.

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Scandinavian Boy Names