Greek boy names

Top Greek Boy Names

Boy Names > Greek Names

Greek boy names The table below contains the most popular Greek-origin names that have been given to baby boys in the USA during the last hundred years (1905 through 2004).  Some of these names are found in the New Testament.  The rank and count values are based on U.S. Social Security Administration counts for the one thousand most popular names given to baby boys in each of these years.  This list and other similar tables on this site can help you research the history and find the meaning of many popular ethnic names for your baby boy.
Greek Boy Name Meanings and Popularity
Name Derivation or Meaning Rank Usage
Christopher means Christ bearer. 1 1,844,561
George means of or relating to a farmer. 2 1,314,690
Steven means crown. 3 1,233,153
Andrew means manly. 4 1,086,071
Timothy means revering God. 5 1,020,039
Jason means healer. 6 944,091
Stephen means crown. 7 827,592
Nicholas means victorious amond the people. 8 764,421
Gregory means observant. 9 688,570
Peter means rock. 10 536,721
Alexander means defender of men. 11 445,104
Eugene means wellborn. 12 363,742
Philip means lover of horses. 13 323,168
Phillip means lover of horses. 14 292,561
Christian means Christian believer. 15 272,770
Theodore means gift of God. 16 197,512
Jesus means Jah is savior. 17 166,037
Jerome means bearing a holy name. 18 153,705
Luke means light bringer. 19 136,304
Hector means holding fast. 20 79,884
Mathew is a variation of Matthew. 21 64,117
Damon means to tame. 22 53,625
Homer means hostage. 23 53,160
Myron means aromatic oil. 24 41,513
Damian means to tame. 25 39,065
Darius means to possess good. 26 38,626
Elias is a variation of Elijah. 27 33,091
Demetrius is derived from the name of a mythological Greek goddess. 28 27,898
Stephan means crown. 29 23,796
Silas is a diminutive form of Silvanus. 30 14,752
Galen means healer. 31 14,500
Jonas is an alternate form of Jonah. 32 13,103
Theron means hunter. 33 9,559
Basil means kingly or royal. 34 9,425
Cyril means lordly. 35 8,807
Lucian means light. 36 2,775
Actual usage of Greek names shown on this page may be slightly higher than the indicated usage values.  Of course these names are widely used for boys in Greece as well!  See the Social Security card applications information for qualifiers about this data.

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Greek Boy Names